Totally Redesigned! It’s not often designers get to totally redesign a magazine, and it’s very exciting when it happens! Canadian Quilter is the quarterly magazine of the Canadian Quilter’s Association, an organization like many others that is focused on developing...
Canadian Quilter is a quarterly magazine published by the Canadian Quilters’ Association. More than 20 years ago, when I first started working with the CQA, the publication was a one-colour newsletter and has since developed into a retail-style magazine, with stories...
Getting Personal About Brand I love it when a client says things like “I want a business card that looks different from anyone else in the market”. This request wasn’t surprising, coming from Bobbi, because she’s one of those people whose personal brand is for real....
A Logo for a Great Cause A couple of years ago I was asked, through a client contact, to design a logo for Walk to Remember. This commemorative walk is an event for families that have lost a baby, and also a fundraiser for the local hospital’s care unit for high-risk...
A new, responsive site Many years ago I was asked to help brand the Westmorland Historical Society. We’ve worked together on marketing and promotional materials, publications, and exhibits, among other things, but only last year did the opportunity come up to apply...